Versatile Bloggers? Us? Awww Shucks….

We are long overdue in our thanks to Tammy of The Nourished Seed for nominating our modest little enterprise for the Versatile Blogger Award.  Thanks so very much Tammy, and if you haven’t visited her, you should check out the amazing Soaking and Sprouting info she’s got. Or, if like me you feel the call of a chip type deal now and again, give these little delights a go… Wonderful stuff.

To accept our very flattering award, Big Sis and I must do the following:

  • Thank the person who gave you this award
  • Include a link to their blog
  • Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself
  • In the same post, include this set of rules
  • Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs

Okay, so here we go… there are so many wonderful bloggers out there and to be honest, we are often moved by the community that we have experienced on these blogs and through discussions on our own posts.  With that said, I’ll just highlight a few that we’ve discovered and really enjoyed more recently.

1. in pursuit of more
2. Attempting zero waste in a military household
3. HOMESTEADING downsized
4. gazing in
5. Leek Soup
6.Fine Frugality
7. mixmakegrow
8. Back Road Journal
9. Carin’s Blog
10. It’s Still Me
11. Teacher by Day, Chef by Night
12. my life and times
13. The Starving Artist
14. The Whole Beet
15. This Good Medicine

And now, for the big reveal… 7 things about us… Are you ready?
1. While Big Sis and I have both been professionally and personally required to function in the wee hours at times, she is from the half of the family that does so cheerfully and with commentary. I, on the other hand, am from the half that prefer to reserve words until all systems have been engaged. Cheeriness is also optional for my half.
2. While Big Sis is especially kind to all animals, and I like most of them, we are both decidedly dog people.
3. Between the two of us, I suspect we could at least mumble our way through at least 100 scores from musicals.
4. Apparently my Facebook posts can be a bit mysterious. Big Sis always knows what they mean.
5. We can both be counted on to dance with abandon given the right circumstances and some 1970s funk.
6. While I tend to be a cardio junkie, Big Sis always adds the weights, which is probably why she is freakishly strong.
7. I wish every sister could have a sister that she loves as much as I love mine.

So there you go…. a bucket of thanks and a whole slew of fab blogs to check out! Thanks for your readership and for the community and inspiration that you give us.
Little Sis

23 responses

  1. And now you’ve got me crying and feeling very warm/fuzzy after a spectacularly bad day at work. That’s what wonderful sisters are for, eh? I love you too and you are cheerier than you know – especially when giving advice or offering support.

  2. Congrats on the award and thanks so much for the shout out…I am just a newbie and am constantly inspired by ya’lls (yes, I am from Texas) wonderful and delicious words!

  3. Congratulations on your well deserved award. Thank you for thinking of my blog…I appreciate it very much. I look forward to checking out the other bloggers.

  4. Congrats on the award! I love your blog–I learn so much from it and enjoy reading along the way. And thank you for the good word 🙂

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