Pumpkin Apple Steel Cut Oats in the Crockpot

That’s a horribly long name.  Pasco would be better, but then again you wouldn’t have any idea what that would taste like would you?  This, on the other hand lets you know that you are soon to be treated with some of the lovely flavors of Fall. And if you pour it all into an oiled crockpot right before you go to bed and turn it on you will awaken to a heavenly, hearty – come on it’s a wonderful day to be alive – kind of smell..followed by a hearty, healthy breakfast.

This was a variation on the Chocolate Steel Cut Oats Little Sis introduced us to in one of her many brilliant moments.  I LOVE those chocolate oats, but my husband had trouble adjusting to the idea of chocolate breakfast.  He has since grown accustomed to the idea and loves the chocolate oats as well, but the idea for a variation was already cooking (slowly in a crock with a glass lid) in my brain, so I thought I’d better try the idea.  Space is after all limited in said brain these days.

While I have never had a Pumpkin Latte from Starbucks, they are apparently a big deal.  After seeing lattes advertised everywhere lately and having some pumpkin in the house, it seemed like a good idea to put some pumpkin in our breakfast  We were all pleased with the results and I bet your Autumn People will like it as well.

Pumpkin Apple Steel Cut Oats

2 c steel cut oats
1 c pumpkin (I used canned)
7 cups water and or milk (I used 1/2 water and 1/2 almond milk)
2 tbsp cinnamon
2 chopped apples (I left skins on)
1 Tbsp vanilla
1/2 Tbsp salt
1 tsp allspice

I recommend you oil the crockpot.  I use coconut oil.  If you don’t have that, use something mild that won’t be an odd flavor.

Put the oats in.

Mix the pumpkin in with some or all of the liquid you are using so you can get some of the lumps out.

Pour the mixture and all of the other ingredients into the crockpot – give a bit of a stir.  Put the lid on and set it on low.  My crockpot has kind of a high ‘low’ and these cereals tend to be done in about 5 hours.  If yours has a timer you could set it for 6 if you will be asleep longer than that.  I don’t have a timer and the top of the edges of these cereals can get a little crispy when left to long, but no burning and no problem.

I did not add sugar to his recipe.  I added raisins directly to my bowl and was satisfied with the sweetness.  If your crowd requires more sugar you can always add it after the fact or throw a couple of Tbsp of maple syrup into the crockpot.   All 3 of us enjoyed this a lot and it always pleases me to have a breakfast that has a bit of vegetable in it!

20140928_075629Very good indeed and just the ticket to eat when we were up early to go for a canoe trip on the Harpeth River.  A Great Blue Heron spread it’s great wings and led us down river on 3 separate occasions and almost let us catch up for a really close view on the last time….. then spread his wings and flew off again.  Here and gone, like the seasons.  I do so love this season and intend to savor it – full belly and overloaded brain and all.  🙂


30 responses

    • I am with you. I plan it out so well and then there always seems to be just a few more things to do and then just a few more minutes to read my book….. and BAM! Not enough sleep. Thanks for stopping by!

  1. Pingback: My Week on Wednesday and Crock Pot Recipes » Once Upon a Time in a Bed of Wildflowers

    • Hi Susan! Some people soak all grains before using but I do not. I believe that some people soak grains because they believe that it releases some beneficial enzymes by starting the germination process. The steel cut oats do take a lot longer to cook than rolled oats, but without soaking they get very tender in the crock pot. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Your canoe trip sounds amazing – how lovely to have a river like that close to home! Your Pumpkin Apple Steel Oats sound like the perfect breakfast after that – and I love that they are made in the crock pot. Thank you for sharing this recipe with the Hearth and Soul hop.

  3. Pingback: Block Party: Yummy Pumpkin Recipes Features - Rae Gun Ramblings

  4. Pingback: 16 Yummy Pumpkin Recipes - Making the World Cuter

  5. Definitely not something I would ever have thought of myself, making this all the more treasured. What a neat idea, I must give it a try!

    Your paddle after the blue heron sounded special; we have blue herons in the pond on our land, and sadly one of them was taken down recently (we think by a fisher that ambles through from time to time).

  6. Pingback: My Week on Wednesday and Pumpkin Things » Once Upon a Time in a Bed of Wildflowers

  7. Pingback: Porridge Got A Bad Rap… Polenta with White Beans and Kale | my sister's pantry

  8. Pingback: Healthier Oats Made Even Easier | my sister's pantry

  9. I’m going to give this a try – don’t have pumpkin so thought I’d try coconut milk. Can’t do apples so may add blueberries at the end…yum! Thanks Biggsis 🙂

  10. Pingback: 14 Canned Pumpkin Recipes | A Life in Balance by Barb Hoyer

  11. Pingback: Fast Healthy Breakfast to Start the School or Work Day | my sister's pantry

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